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Saturday, 16 February 2013

Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise Beta

On : 21:31

Devolutions Remote Desktop Manager Enterprise Beta


Remote Desktop Manager lets you centralize all your remote connections, passwords and credentials into a unique platform that people love to work with.

Drive security, speed and productivity through your organization while reducing risks for your IT department.

Join over 200,000 users in more than 80 countries who enjoy Remote Desktop Manager.


Enterprise Edition

Share your remote connection settings inside a company database.
Save your credentials and passwords in a database.
Monitor user activities with the database logs.
Faster and more secure solution.
Available in single license, multiple licenses pack, global license or site license.

Key features include:

Not only weighs.
Easy to install, easy to deploy, only one executable file (exe).
Add the names, images and descriptions to your preferences.
Icon in the Control Panel starts.
Quick access via an icon in Control Panel.
- Support remote desktop file (. Rdp).
Support Microsoft Remote Desktop and Microsoft Terminal Services.
Auto-start when you log into Windows.
Excellent user interface with support for multiple threads.
Compatible with Windows XP, Windows 2003, Windows Vista and Windows 7.


Microsoft Remote Desktop (RDP)
Microsoft Remote Assistance
VNC (UltraVNC, TightVNC, RealVNC and embedded)
Team Viewer
FTP (Explorer, Filezilla and WinSCP)
X Window
Putty (SSH, Telnet, RAW and rLogin)
Dameware Mini Remote Control
Radmin Viewer
Citrix XenApp (ICA)
Symantec PC Anywhere
Microsoft Hyper-V
Microsoft Virtual PC
Microsoft Virtual Server
Microsoft Windows Virtual PC
Sun VirtualBox
VMware Player, VMware Workstation, VMware ESXi and VMware vSphere
Cisco VPN client
SonicWall Global VPN client

Screen Shots

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