Age OF Wulin PC Game
Age OF Wulin Game Review: Age of Wulin is a 2013 free to play 3D martial arts action MMORPG which was developed by Chinese developer Suzhou Snail Electronic Co. Ltd. & published by g-Potato in Europe. The game was released on 10th of April, 2013 in North America. The game revolves around the Wuxia inspired lore surrounding martial arts & adventures in medieval China. The original version of the game is published in China by game's developer through the Woniu portal. The alternative versions are Age of Wushu published in North America by Snail Games United States of America, Age Of Kung Fu published by Cubizone for South-East Asia.
Age OF Wulin Development: Age of Wulin entered into its last closed beta phase in China in the month of June, 2012 which does not require a closed beta key anymore to participate. Open beta phase has not yet been confirmed. European version was expected to launch in the year 2012 but was further delayed for early 2013. North America version, named "Age of Wushu" was launched on April 10th 2013.
Age OF Wulin GamePlay: The players will initially select one of 8 factions, & then gradually develop their characters, learn new skills & engage in PvE & PvP content. Age of Wulin does not feature a class system, thats why all skills are open to choice. The unique Internal Skills of the Schools are restricted to each member of the specific school, like if you leave the faction or School, you will lose the ability to use that School's Internal Skill. The Internal Skills increase the player's base attributes & combat bonuses. While the External Skills are the game's combat skills. The Quests & many other activities, including gathering, combat and crafting, give experience points similar to other games. Whilst, instead of the experience points accumulating to increase the level of the avatar, experience points are converted in Cultivation points, which are used to upgraded the skills of the player. Experience points are converted into Cultivation points over time as the player stays logged into the game. Player can Cultivate or improve their skills by allocating Cultivation points into their skills, which are upgraded over time as Cultivation points are added into the skill.
Age OF Wulin Adventure Game Screenshot 2
Age OF Wulin Full Strategy Game Screenshot 3
Age OF Wulin PC Full Game Screenshot 4
Full Version Age OF Wulin PC Game System Requirements:
Windows Operating System XP OR Vista
Processor Intel 2.87 GHz
Hard Disk 40 GB
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c
Graphics Card 512 MB Graphics Memory
Age OF Wulin Full Game Recommended System Requirements:
Windows Operating System 7/8 Latest Version
2.4 GHz Processor Intel Core 2 Duo
Hard Disk 80 GB
Graphics Card 1 GB Graphics Memory
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c
Joysticks Controllers
Internet Broadband Connection 2Mbps
Hard Disk 80 GB
Graphics Card 1 GB Graphics Memory
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c
Joysticks Controllers
Internet Broadband Connection 2Mbps
PC Game Age OF Wulin Full Version Download LINK:

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