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Sunday, 30 June 2013

Painkiller Hell And Dam Nation Full Version

On : 07:34

Painkiller Hell And Dam Nation Full Version

Painkiller Hell And Dam Nation Game Review: Painkiller Hell and Damnation is both remake and sequel of the FPS video game by the name of Painkiller, created by The Farm 51 while launched by Nordic Games. Painkiller Hell & Damnation 2012 has been released initially for PC and is set to release for PS 3 and Xbox 360 in April,this year. After defeating the forces of Hell in the original titles, Daniel Garner was restricted from seeing his wife, Catherine. Now, without faith he sat in the graveyard from where his quest once started. Suddenly, Death itself appeared, offering Daniel a new bargain that is reunion with his dear wife in exchange for seven thousand souls. Daniel unwillingly accept this offer, getting the Soulcatcher gun. He is sent to places he is familiar with, battling armies of demon spawn once again beating the formidable Alastor, Necrogiant, and Swamp Thing.The player has to move forward through each stage, from beginning to end, by killing many monsters. The gameplay is divided into various chapters, each with separate levels. Each level reveals a new location with new themes that include cemeteries, castles, monasteries and much more. Several conventional weapons will be returning including the  the stakethrower, Painkiller, the shotgun, and the electrodriver, but, latest guns will also be available such as the Soulcatcher, or the Small Sucking Gun, which can fire saw blades in burst mode and sucks the souls out of the enemies' bodies in secondary firing mode. Painkiller Hell & Damnation has received mixed reception from gaming magazines as wells as fans of the original title with most reviews considering it "average". Many have appreciated the graphics quality of this title, with Nathan Meunier(GameSpot) saying it has had a "fantastic visual makeover". Other positives include vast weapon variety and uniqueness of the weapon and machines, IGN considered that Painkiller has a "good choice of totally over-the-top arsenal of weapons". One of the biggest drawbacks about Painkiller is its enemy AI, IGN stated the AI "dumb and often clumsy". Mike Nelson of GameSpy seconded this, by saying "the poor AI makes the bosses prone to getting stuck in the game environment". Other problems voiced about this new title is the short duration of campaigns and glitches in the multiplayer mode.

Painkiller Hell And Dam Nation Screenshots

Painkiller Hell And Dam Nation System's Requirements:
Windows XP/Vista
3.00 GHz Processor Intel 
Hard Disk 30 GB
Graphics Card 512 MB Graphics Memory
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c

Painkiller Hell And Dam Nation Recommended System Requirements:
Windows 7/8
Intel Processor Core 2 Duo        
Hard Disk 80 GB
Graphics Card 1 GB Graphics Memory
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c
Joysticks Controllers
Broadband Internet Connection 4Mbps 

Download Painkiller Hell And Dam Nation Free


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