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Saturday, 29 June 2013

Real Heroes Fire Fighter PC Game

On : 00:21

Real Heroes Fire Fighter PC Game

Real Heroes Fire Fighter Game ReviewReal Heroes Firefighter Description: Real Heroes Firefighter is a 3D video game. The game puts the player as a new member of a Fire department, & teaches him the ropes through a tutorial mission which has dressed up as the player character’s final firefighter exam. Once the player has learnt that how each piece of equipment works, he is thrown into his 1st emergency call. The 1st noticeable issue is with the control system of the game. The player turns with the stylus, while other movements are bound to the "Circle Pad". If the player has to save someone during a mission, he can clear a street sized gap in the fire for them to walk through. But they will decide that it is too hazardous because a chair placed a few feet behind them has started to burn, or because a wall that is at a distance in front of them is ablaze.

Real Heroes Fire Fighter Screenshots

Real Heroes Fire Fighter System Requirements:
Windows XP OR Vista
1.6 GHz Intel Processor  
Hard Disk 30 GB
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Graphics Card 256 MB Graphics Memory
Direct X Version 9.0c

Real Heroes Fire Fighter Recommended System Requirements:
Windows XP/Vista
2.8 GHz Processor Intel
Graphics Card 512 MB Graphics Memory
Hard Disk 40 GB 
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c
Joysticks Controllers
Internet Connection 1Mbps

Real Heroes Fire Fighter Full Download


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