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Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Sid Meier's Civilization 2 Full Version

On : 00:23

Sid Meier's Civilization 2 Full Version

Sid Meier's Civilization 2 Game Review  Sid Meier's Civilization II is a strategy based video game. It has been designed by a team consist of three members, Reynolds, Jeff Briggs and Douglas Caspian Kaufman. The game was first released for PC in the year 1996 and later for the ported Sony PlayStation. Atari released the game for newer operating systems such as Windows 2000 & Windows XP. In 2006, The Multiplayer Gold Edition includes the Civilization Chronicles box set was released.Sid Meier's Civilization II begins with 4000 BC and reaches to 2020, by conquering the whole world with advance technology.

Sid Meier's Civilization 2 GamePlay: You just need to research advance technologies throughout the game. The game follows development of human civilization as the player move through it. You are able to set your own cities, build wondering world. You are able to work on huge projects but ypu will required a large number of labors and tremendous amount of resources. You will have to choose one of the six different Governments: Republic, Monarchy, Despotism, Fundamentalism, Communism and Democracy. Each of the government has its sifferent advantages and disadvantages. As you complete a building, every time, there will a short length representative movie. The animated advisers are available to help you in administering the empire.

Sid Meier's Civilization 2 Game Ending: The game has released with the improved Graphics. Plenty of details are also added in the game. The game features a three-quarter view point as similar to Syndicate or Crusader. The Soundtrack of the game is really entertaining, it includes sound effects that ranges from trumpet of an elephant to the sirens of an atom bomb. The game is provided with full-motion video clips of the each advanced civilization. A full map editor allows the player to design their own fields. It is a fact that if you are a strategy fan, you will definitely enjoy it.

Sid Meier's Civilization Screenshots

Sid Meier's Civilization System's Requirements: 
Operating System Windows XP
Processor 1.87 GHz Intel
RAM 512 MB
30 GB Hard Disk
Graphics Card 256 MB Graphics Memory
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c

Sid Meier's Civilization Recommended System Requirements:
Operating System Windows XP
Processor Intel 2.0 GHz
40 GB Hard Disk
Sound Card Direct X 9 Compatible
Direct X Version 9.0c
Graphics Card 512 MB Graphics Memory
Joysticks Controllers
1Mbps Internet Connection

Free Download Sid Meier's Civilization 2


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